May 28, 2012


So I wake up this morning, fell asleep on my comfy chocolate brown couch last nite. I opened my eyes, took a deep breath and thanked GOD for another day. Yet, I was feeling a bit down. Struggles tend to start taking a toll on our energy if we allow our minds take us there. So, while I briefly embraced "feeling down" I decided to take a glance around me to see all the things that I am blessed with.  I took a glance at my wonderful son laying on the living room floor sleepn' so peacefully. I thought of my three wonderful sisters and wondered what they were doing at this precise moment...and I smiled.  I thought of my precious nieces whom I miss tremendously. I remembered my true few friends that live so far away. I suddenly felt the love that surrounds me. I felt humbled. I embraced my many blessings. I am so thankful to GOD for always seeing me through. I then closed my eyes and meditated for a few moments, I felt peace. I quickly and quietly made my way to the kitchen and made myself a RAWliiiiiiish green juice...(exhale)...what a wonderful way to start my day; Arugula (oh so nutty and spicy), fresh green lettuce leaves, fresh dill leaves and a few dates with some clean fresh water. GOD is GOOD. 

"Everyday we grow if we ALLOW ourselves to". Ms. J

RAW GREEN JUICE...does the spirit, mind & body EXCELLENT!

 Arugula, Green leaves, Dill leaves (fresh organic from Farmers Market) and my blender with clean water.

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