May 21, 2012

What IS eating RAW?

Eating Raw cruelty free foods is much more than just an eating habit or lifestyle. It is a spiritual journey back to your divine true SELF. By eliminating the consumption of animals and processed foods and replacing it with RAW CRUELTY FREE bioluminescence foods commences the process of divine alignment with our mind(thoughts)spiritemotions and our life Nourishing our bodies with RAW kind foods is like opening our inner path door to a river of flowing waters. The LIFE and nutrients that are in RAW vegetables and fruits detoxify our bodies from free radicals making way to a clearer sense of SELF. You may experience emotions that have been tucked inside for several years come to surface. This is a form of inner cleansing and healing, accept it and honor it. You will feel free, energized and full of LIFE again. You will feel more connected with your sense of SELF. What we put in our bodies is what emanates throughout. You CAN live your LIFE to the PUREST and FULLEST. Eat RAW LIVE KIND foods and "Re"generate your SELF from the inside out. One Love, Ms. J. 

"Every day we grow IF we ALLOW ourselves to". Ms. J


  1. Amazing perspective to living your life to the purest and fullest! Who wouldn't want that for themselves? I definitley want that for myself and am taking baby steps towards eating raw live kind foods to regenerate myself from the inside out! Your blog will help the process to a better healthier ME with all the awesome videos and how-to's that inspire one to want a better life for themselves! Thanks for Raw Matters Ms J. I appreciate and admire YOU! I love you bs (babysis)! Tootles!


    1. Thanx SimplyMayra (big sis). I LOOOOVE sharing the CRUELTY FREE RAW TRUTH with everyone. It is one of my purposes in this lifetime and I am honored :D. I enjoyed my time at your place this weekend preparing the raw fruit smoothies(yummm), raw soups(rawliiish) and the vegan pizzas( for everyone! I'm here to encourage and assist every one in their journey towards their own purest and fullest life through CRUELTY FREE foods! Hope you're having a CRUELTY FREE day so far :D. Luv ya! ONE LOVE ~Ms.J~

  2. This is very interesting being that we come from such cultural hispanic roots! Where boiled puree de malanga can cure anything & rice & beans is a part of your meal whether with fried steak or chicken & sometimes mmmm chuleta!!! Lets not forget the choice of vegetables: Fried Tostones, Fried Maduros, O Boniato Frito!!! LMBO Ok Ok let me stop!!! It's now as I am getting older that I am actually being able to see the difference when I eat healthy & raw, my energy is up & beat, I can keep up with my kids in a jolly ol' mood! As suppose to my old eating habits. It landed me in the hospital recently 3x's, with gastric issues at the whopping beautiful age of ONLY..... drum roll!!!! Yes, 29!!! =) & I am batting my lashes as I say this!!! I will soon be 30 which is young to be experiencing health issues already, it's pretty scary o_O I am looking forward to following your blog so I can stay posted on all the ways I can eat RAW in a most convenient way! I want TACOS!!!! LOL

    1. LOL @zrafael. I congratulate you for starting your journey to your divine self through raw cruelty free foods. Fortunately for me it was very easy as I started several years ago and was never fond of the foods you mentioned. But yes, I agree, coming from our Caribbean roots it is a huge change. You can still enjoy much of the same foods only raw (minus animals/animal products and processed foods). I am glad to hear you are feeling better since starting to eat raw veggies and fruits, glad I was able to assist. Stay posted for more raw rawliiish cruelty free recipes. Hope you're having a cruelty free day!

  3. OMG VEGAN PIZZA!!!! Listen here!!! Anything with the word Pizza I WANT!!!!

    1. YES, Vegan Pizza: soy free, gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, animal free...yaaaaayyy...CRUELTY free pizza. The pizza dough itself is not raw but all the toppings (veggies/fruits) are and its rawliiish! I mainly make it because Malik(my son) loves him some pizza. I will post how to make 100% RAW vegan pizza soon (will need a Dehydrator for that :D). Have a cruelty free day!


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